Monday, August 17, 2009

Books Are Fun!

I hope everyone's year has gotten off to a great start! I know I have heard wonderful things from Mrs. King & Mrs. Price about our kindergarten sounds like you are learning a lot and having fun!!

I wanted to let you know that September (can you believe it is just around the corner???) is Library Card Sign-Up Month. If you are able, make time to take your child to your local library and sign up for a library card. Encourage your child to check out books and let him/her know how WONDERFUL and EXCITING reading can be! Check out books that you can read together as a family and books that your child will enjoy reading (or looking at) on their own! You will never regret instilling a love of reading in your child and the quality time you will spend reading together.

If you need a few suggestions for books to check out, here are a few of my personal favorite authors (click on the link to visit thier website):

Mem Fox

Jan Brett

David Shannon

Kevin Henkes

Eric Carle

I could go on and on....but this should be a good starting point! Good luck and happy reading. I can't wait to see your new library card and hear about your visit to the library!

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